Monday, April 30, 2012

Family and Friends, 
Surgery today was considered a success. They were able rule out more bad cancer's and they were able to remove about 95% of the tumor. There were two areas they couldn't get. One was by the left airway, the other was on the backside of the heart. This tumor couldn't be more difficult and confusing, including the location and it's makeup. They have tried to diagnose this first with a needle biopsy, that really gave no definite answer other than signs of a Lymphoma Tumor, and now this Thorocotomy with again no definite answer other than some signs of a Lymphoma again, which is malignant, AND signs of a possible Thymoma tumor, which would be benign.... They are testing and sending out samples to pathology again. They hope to have an answer by the end of the week...

He is resting well, gaining strength quickly, and asking for a hamburger!


  1. Asking for a hamburger . . . that's a really good sign; analogous, I would say, to a woman asking for her makeup bag! Glad to hear the surgery went well, and our prayers are with you that the results from pathology indicate good news. With love and care, the Stringhams

  2. Great news! Thanks for updating Sydney--

  3. James, Sydney and Family,
    So pleased to hear the surgery went well! Our thoughts and prayers are with you! Ron and I have personally seen the power of prayer at work.. Love you!

    Ron and Colleen Werzinski

  4. We are so glad to hear 95% was able to be removed! Ha ha ha he is asking for a hamburger now... soon it will be a beer! ;) Keep up the good spirits! Love and miss you guys!
